
Health past papers


A sensor can measure physical quantities, and convert them to signals that can be read by computers. So basically a sensor can detect, and then convert data.


There are many advantages to using a USB memory device for the storage of medical information. One, USB devices such as data sticks are portable. Two, these USB storage devices are very cost efficient (cheap).


If the data is portable, data can be easily transferred between doctors, and patients. Thus, the data does not have to be sent over the internet which reduces security risks. But, another security risk arises with data sticks because they can be easily lost, and anyone can pick it up. Putting a password or some sort of security may overcome this problem.


Data sticks are very cheap, opposed to their capability. A 16GB data stick can be purchased for about $30 a piece. 16GB is enough space to carry data for one patient. Doctors will be holding data such as scans, text information etc.


One advantage of the patients being monitored at home will be more space for the hospitals to accept other patients. If the patients are monitored at the hospital, other patients that need care may not be accepted because of the lack of space. In Japan there is currently a problem where hospitals become full, and some patients are rejected. If the patients can be monitored at home, other urgent patients can be accepted.

Another advantage for the hospital is that the doctors do not have to constantly monitor the patients at home. This reduces the work labour required for the doctors. The doctors will be notified when the patients at home are in an emergency from the devices. The two advantages leads to a more efficient environment for hospitals to function.


The two major issues with patient monitoring is the reliability issue, and the privacy of data issue.

Privacy of data- The data of the patient is private, and is confidential. There are different methods to monitor the patient. One method might be using a camera, a visual monitoring. Visual data is particularly private, and confidential. These data are transferred over the internet to the doctors, and therefore must be secured.

Reliability- The data transferred and the devices must be reliable. If there is a fraud in the data, the doctor can give a irrelevant diagnosis, thus the patient can be in danger.

Methods to overcome the problems:
For the privacy of data issue, one method may be to not use the camera. There are different methods to monitor the patient such as blood pressure, heart rate, etc. Another method to overcome this issue is to secure the data. In order to secure the data, both the patient, and the hospital will need to implement a security aid. One easy way to increase the security of both sides is to use a firewall. The firewall is like a filter, and regulates certain data to enter, and leave. Another method to increase security is encryption. Lets say that somehow some hacker managed to steal the data. If the data is encrypted with a code, unless the hacker discovers the code, he/she will not be able to view it.

For the reliability issue, the monitoring devices should be througly inspected before usage. If the device does not function during an emergency, it can cause death to the patient. To double the security, a back up or a spair device should be handed to the patient. The patient should also have some training on how to use the device, and some knowledge about the device. If the patient has knowledge about the devices, they can possibly spot obvious errors.

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