Health past papers
A sensor can measure physical quantities, and convert them to signals that can be read by computers. So basically a sensor can detect, and then convert data.
There are many advantages to using a USB memory device for the storage of medical information. One, USB devices such as data sticks are portable. Two, these USB storage devices are very cost efficient (cheap).
If the data is portable, data can be easily transferred between doctors, and patients. Thus, the data does not have to be sent over the internet which reduces security risks. But, another security risk arises with data sticks because they can be easily lost, and anyone can pick it up. Putting a password or some sort of security may overcome this problem.
Data sticks are very cheap, opposed to their capability. A 16GB data stick can be purchased for about $30 a piece. 16GB is enough space to carry data for one patient. Doctors will be holding data such as scans, text information etc.
One advantage of the patients being monitored at home will be more space for the hospitals to accept other patients. If the patients are monitored at the hospital, other patients that need care may not be accepted because of the lack of space. In Japan there is currently a problem where hospitals become full, and some patients are rejected. If the patients can be monitored at home, other urgent patients can be accepted.
Another advantage for the hospital is that the doctors do not have to constantly monitor the patients at home. This reduces the work labour required for the doctors. The doctors will be notified when the patients at home are in an emergency from the devices. The two advantages leads to a more efficient environment for hospitals to function.
The two major issues with patient monitoring is the reliability issue, and the privacy of data issue.
Privacy of data- The data of the patient is private, and is confidential. There are different methods to monitor the patient. One method might be using a camera, a visual monitoring. Visual data is particularly private, and confidential. These data are transferred over the internet to the doctors, and therefore must be secured.
Reliability- The data transferred and the devices must be reliable. If there is a fraud in the data, the doctor can give a irrelevant diagnosis, thus the patient can be in danger.
Methods to overcome the problems:
For the privacy of data issue, one method may be to not use the camera. There are different methods to monitor the patient such as blood pressure, heart rate, etc. Another method to overcome this issue is to secure the data. In order to secure the data, both the patient, and the hospital will need to implement a security aid. One easy way to increase the security of both sides is to use a firewall. The firewall is like a filter, and regulates certain data to enter, and leave. Another method to increase security is encryption. Lets say that somehow some hacker managed to steal the data. If the data is encrypted with a code, unless the hacker discovers the code, he/she will not be able to view it.
For the reliability issue, the monitoring devices should be througly inspected before usage. If the device does not function during an emergency, it can cause death to the patient. To double the security, a back up or a spair device should be handed to the patient. The patient should also have some training on how to use the device, and some knowledge about the device. If the patient has knowledge about the devices, they can possibly spot obvious errors.
Online Pharmacy Spam and Scam
Are you fed up with all the unwanted e-mails in your inbox? The increased competition between online pharmacies had increased Spam, and Scam online.
Spam is basically sending unwanted e-mails indiscriminately. Most of the time these e-mails will be advertisements. You probably have seen e-mails that advertise certain goods or websites in your inbox. Those e-mails are spam. The e-mail itself may not be particularly a threat, but the problem is the time that needs to be spent. Imagine your inbox filled with these unwanted e-mails. It will certainly take time to find the e-mail that you want to read. Thus, the e-mails can lead to an overload of the account. Sometimes these spam can contain computer virus, or can lead the users to websites that steal personal information. This is called phishing. Clicking links or opening files from unfamiliar e-mails are very risky. The best solution available for spam today is the anti-spam software. The anti-spam software implements a filter, which filters the unwanted e-mails. The filter is interchangeable by the user. Yet, the anti-spam software is not perfect, and will still allow some unwanted e-mails to pass through.
Scam is an illegal act of deceiving online users. Some people may act as if they are a representative of an online pharmacy, and offer a drug at a cheap price, where the individual is truly a person with no knowledge about drugs. Scam is undertaken with the intention of either stealing money, or stealing personal information. Users will need to be careful that they are on an authentic website when they buy any good online.
Cost- of buying anti-spam software.
Ethics- Unethical to deceive people into spending money, or giving personal information
Reliability- The authentic website should have a method to prove that they are authentic to the users. The anti-spam software should be reliable, and not delete the wanted e-mails.
Patient Monitoring
- Patients can be monitored autonomously
- Increased possibility of surviving emergencies
- Cost, like all the others, machines that deal with health are often expensive
- Doctors need extra training to use these devices
- In some cases, patients will need training to use devices as well
equality of access due to the cost. The developed health care may not be distributed to all patients.
Reliability- The devices must be reliable. If there is a bug, not only it puts the patients in risk, but it could also waste the doctor's time.
Cost- The devices are often expensive
People and machines- Doctors, and sometimes patients need training to use the devices
Privacy- Private data is being transfered, and therefore must be secured. Ties in with the security issue.
Medical advice online
- Individuals can gain sufficient knowledge about certain diseases
- Some of the websites can be used for no cost
- Easy to use
- Can occasionally be inaccurate
- Some websites require monthly payments
We should bare in mind that these websites are not doctors. Thus, using the information provided and deducing our solution is also risky. The information given in these websites are advices, and are not absolute solutions. A combination of consulting a doctor, and using the website will be the best.
Reliability- The information given must be reliable. The patients can be given the wrong information
Equality of access- Some patients may not be able to view these websites because of the lack of equipments.
Drug development and marketing
- Increased efficiency
- Cut time for producing a new drug
- Techonology is costly
Equality of access- Techonlogy may not be provided for all companies. The richer the company, the better techonology they can afford.
People and machines- The people need to be trained to use the technology.
Diagnostic software
- Patients can undertake a self analysis
- Possibility of avoiding painful diagnosis such as shots
- The software is not perfect
- Many diseases have similar symptoms. If the patient undergoes a self analysis and purchases their own drugs, there is a possibility of making a mistake. Patients should consult the doctor after self diagnosis.
Reliability- The software must be reliable since we are dealing with human lives.
People and machines- People need training or instructions to use the software.
Prosthetic devices
- Compensate the lost hand
- Undertake actions such as drinking, typing
These are the disadvantages that follow the advantages:
- The prosthetic hand is not perfect, meaning cannot fully compensate the lost hand
- Very costly
- Uses a motor and if the battery runs out, it becomes useless
- Users need training
Here is a video of an individual who uses the prosthetic hand in his daily life. Video
Issues that arise are:
- Equality of access
- Reliability
- People and machines
Equality of access because these devices are very expensive. In fact the prosthetic hands are only still used by limited people. The reliability issue arises on the producer of the prosthetic. It should function properly. It should not crush a piece of paper when it is intended to pick it up. People and machines because the users will need training. These devices are fairly difficult to use, and will take time to get used to them.
Camera Pill
- Can avoid tedious, and painful methods that were available before the pill was introduced
- The pill is naturally disposed by the system
- The power source is provided externally
- User friendly
- Cost- The pill cannot be reused (technically it can but, ethically cannot)
- May cause chocking
Robotic surgery
- Increased precision
- Less pain (less loss of blood, smaller cuts, etc)
- Quicker recovery due to smaller openings in the body
- Operations can be undertaken over a distance, the robot can be remotely controlled
Although the advantages seem dominant, there are disadvantages. The main disadvantages are;
- Cost, the expense of deploying one robot is very expensive
- Physicist training, the doctor will need a lot of training in order to manipulate the robot
- Ethics, issues may arise when operating over distance
- Reliability, the robot must be reliable, a mal function during operation can mean death
Although robotic surgery is not common yet, it may be the future of our medication. Currently the most developed robot is said to be the Da Vinci Surgical System. Here is a link to a video about the da vinci surgical system. Da Vinci.
Medical Security
Authentication is a method involving data such as user ID, and user Passwords. By creating a personal account, the hospital can allow only the intended users to view certain data. However, simple passwords and IDs can be easily cracked, and therefore sophisticated passwords, or other material such as ID cards, finger prints should be used to ensure the security.
Authorization is basically deciding whether to allow some people to be able to view the data. I am a senior in St. Maur International school. I am authorized to view some of the material put on to the senior folder, but i have no access to the junior's folder. The same goes for the juniors. The juniors can view their own folder, but cannot view the senior's folder. Teachers have more accessibility than students.
Firewalls are the security solution for many industries, but should not be relied for complete security. Firewalls can block unauthorized external transmissions, but cannot manage the internal network. This is where network control should be installed to manage the internal network. (Switches, hubs, etc.) The major type of firewalls used is the filter-based firewall. Basically filter-based firewalls can filter external access. They can allow certain addresses to pass, or non of them to pass.
Ethics of telemedicine
Electronic Medical records
- Records can be viewed by various doctors
- Doctors feel more comfortable
- Can transfer information from one doctor to another doctor, eliminates the issues when transferring
- Records will be online, and doctors will have permission to look at whatever tests or records are there.
- Citizens should own EMRs because the individual can release the record to anyone, and can be maintained by the individual
- Very expensive, per office basis.
Evolving health care with EMR:
Health care managed with paper work is inefficient. Everyday, many people die from wrong medical care. The solution to this problem is the EMR. EMR almost completely eliminates the possibility of errors, such as wrong medical treatment. EMR decreases the amount of time needed to look up information, increases accuracy, and as a result also decreases the cost for the patient.2009年11月27日金曜日
The health sector lags in implementing technology because:
- Health is a very conservative industry
- Health politically controlled
- New IT technologies are costly
Csiro can demonstrate how health can improve by IT technology, mainly in two ways-
- Better health outcomes
- Improvments in health processes
The main marketing good in this video was the colonoscopy simulator. Colonoscopy is an investigation of mal diseases. People can be diagnosed for cancer at an earlier stage. Doctors will be trained by simulation, and therefore will make fewer mistakes.
Useful software Csiro offers to the health industry- the health art integration software. This allows to link databases. Databases in the health industry holds private information, and people want them secured. This software allows a secure link to databases.
Csiro is currently working on technology to help treat Alzheimer disease. Imaging brain parts, and showing the image to the people with Alzheimer will help them understand their own disease. Thus, the Alzheimer can be treated at an earlier stage, before it develops.
Home Care:
Various colleges are working on producing a multi-functional robot called the nuresebot, with a purpose of assisting people that have trouble living at home.
Some issues discussed in the video-
- Reliability- can the robot make the right decision?
- Cost- The cost of deploying these robots
- Employment- Nurses may lose their jobs